We have created our own YouTube channel, where we'll be uploading videos we make of events and collections here at the museum! We've started by adding
New Pictures Added to Flickr
We added some lovely photos of an early October wedding that was held in the museum garden to our Special Events photostream on Flickr! See them here.
October 20 in History: Treaty of 1818 Signed
Today in History, 20 October 1818: Under Monroe's first term as president, Britain and the U.S. signed the Treaty of 1818, which established the
October 17 in History: Monroe Writes a Letter to Thomas Jefferson
On October 17, 1823, Monroe wrote a letter to his former teacher and good friend, Thomas Jefferson. Not an usual occurrence, but in this case, Monroe
“Founding Gardeners” Talk with Author Andrea Wulf
We are pleased to present - along with the Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center - a talk by Andrea Wulf, author of the recent New York Times
JMM will participate in Ghostwalk 2011!
We are excited to act as the staging area for this year's Ghostwalk! Ghostwalk is a haunted tour of downtown Fredericksburg, sponsored by the UMW